Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Having a good day

Obviously, Jessica's been a busy girl. But seriously...

Jessica's been doing really well the past couple of days. She is getting to know her way around the house so she can get from my bedroom to the bathroom without bumping into something and getting lost. I hardly ever hear her wailing anymore, so I'd guess that all the wailing was just a matter of not understanding what was going on or where she was.

So now that she's not confused anymore, she's back to being her old perky self. Just in the past couple of days she's started to look healthier and put back on some of that weight she lost in the past couple of months.

I was thinking at the time that her health was declining in general, but now I think she just had so much trouble finding the food dish that she wasn't eating often enough to keep her weight up. If I'd realized that, I would have bought her her own domain instead of getting her a free blog.

Over the years she's tended to get thinner, anyway. One summer I spent three weeks in Spain on an educational exchange. While I was gone, she lost so much weight that she was just skin and bones. I was really worried about her. She just lay listlessly on the side porch and wouldn't come in long enough to eat.

But anyway, with any luck I'll get her fattened up enough so we don't have to worry about her health. Then next summer I can cage in the side porch for her so she can sleep there safely and get some fresh air, while getting visits from her fans.

While I think about how I could travel with her...

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